How to use the hairpiece?
Demo 1. :
Hairspray your real hairs on the top of your head.
Use U-shape pins to fix our hairpieces
Shack your head and Check

Demo 2. :
Hairspray your real hairs on the top of your head.
Make a real hair bun
Use U-shape pins to fix our hairpieces
Shack your head and Check

Demo 3. (U-shape Pins):
Hairspray your real hairs
Use U-shape pins to fix our hairpieces
Shack your head and Check

Optional. (hforhair Glue Set)
hforhair Glue-Set
2.Glue dissolver (1oz) x 1 bottle
3.U-shape pins x 30 pieces 1.Hair glue (1oz) x 1 bottle

[Tip 1] DON'T TEAR glued hairpiece, use dissolver!!
[Tip 2] DON'T remove hairpiece by FORCE, use dissolver!!

( Step: Remove the glue ).
Add some white glue dissolver on the black glue area. Wait 10 seconds.
​The hairpiece will automatically separate from your real hairs.
​Use normal shampoo to wash your real hairs.
​Some black glue residual stays at the back of the hairpiece. It is normal. You can use the hairpiece next time again.